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The Autism Academy CD-ROM was the first interactive software developed for autism. It teaches special ed teachers and parents how to utilize ABA training.       As featured in Newsday.     Over 70 videos, plus animations and graphics to accelerate learning           Packed with over 2 hours of lectures and interactive lessons the Autism Academy is a powerful learning tool!      Order today!


Mary Jane Weiss, Ph.D. -Rutgers University: The CD is quite user friendly, with a very understandable format and easy-to-follow instructions. I was particularly impressed with the "lessons" portions of the training materials. The ability to "test" oneself on the key concepts reviewed is critically important. The student is given plenty of time to respond to the material, and is provided with clear feedback on multiple choice items. The "lesson" for Reinforcement is particularly clear and thorough. It is very exciting to see that these materials are available. They are a valuable addition to existing training materials, and a very important tool in widely disseminating ABA information to educators.

Betty Anthony: This is a great teaching device. Our school district has bought one for our teachers. I am hoping that they will buy one for each teacher. Our schools are in desperate need of something like this. Thank you so much.

Julie Azuma/ Different Roads to Learning: I love Autism Academy. It is easy and fun to use. Autism Academy explains through an enjoyable interactive lesson and quiz, how to do all of the components of discrete trial training the correct way.

Autism Academy Behavioral Programming for Children with Autism

Welcome to the first interactive ABA course on CD-ROM for teaching educators and parents how to effectively educate and enhance the lives of children with autism.

The Autism Academy software was conceived of and established in 1999 by Rich DiSilvio, a new media developer and president of Digital Vista Inc. As a parent of a child with autism, Rich saw the need to effectively address the gapping void in educational training for teachers that were desperately seeking ABA skills for dealing with autism. Partnering with Joanne Gerenser, a highly respected maven in the field of autism and president of two premiere schools for autism, namely Eden II Programs and the Genesis School, their combined resources yielded the highly effective “Behavioral Programming for Children with Autism” CD-ROM. This highly acclaimed learning tool has proven extremely successful since its release in 1999, and here's why...

The CD-ROM: Our well organized ABA courseware gives you "the educator or parent" the ability to learn at your own pace, and navigate to the exact topic of learning you wish to acquire, or you can take the courses in order and complete the entire program. This program will help any educator, parent or Special Ed student looking to grasp the effectiveness of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) . Our courseware addresses many aspects of ABA with clear examples and printable data sheets to hand guide you into forming an effective and well structured program to educate people with autism. Divided into six classrooms, our virtual Academy offers a narrated lecture with visual presentations to more clearly convey this often difficult to comprehend information by reading alone. Surpassing videos, our lectures offer you the ability to pause, step backward or forward one increment at a time, or quickly jump to another classroom to easily navigate to a specific topic in seconds.

Taking that a step further, after hearing and viewing our informative lectures you can engage in cognitive interactive lessons. You will be asked important questions, which you will then be prompted to answer. Test your knowledge acquisition to see if you'll need to repeat the lesson or proceed forward. This new method of learning is NOT available in videos or DVDs. Meanwhile, books rely upon the reader to test themselves - if they have the time or inkling how to do so.

Packed with over 70 live instructional video clips, animations, a glossary of terms on autism, and a Forms section that includes the entire lectures and various data and work sheets that can be printed out, you'll have everything you need to acquire a comprehensive foundation in ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) and affect change in an autistic child's life. With over ten years of successes, the Autism Academy software is a proven Autism Training Solution.

From day one we had realized that books and videos left many educators and parents bewildered. Either it was numerous books with superfluous information (not relevant to their specific needs), or videos that run from start to finish with no clear way of relocating specific areas of learning. Try finding that particular lecture in your 2 hour long video with your VCR's fast-forward or rewind button. Not an easy or pleasant task. Even DVDs don't offer the direct access of this CD-ROM, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, nor do they offer the interactive quizzes or the print outs. That's why the solution is clear...for the best ABA training software available choose the Autism Academy CD-ROM.

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Autism Academy "Behavioral Programming for Children with Autism" CD-ROM

Windows: 98/NT/2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 - 11
Mac: OS 9 Classic and only up to OSX El Capitan 10.11 PCC

This program WILL NOT run on some Mac OSX Intel machines, or Windows ME.

(System requirements: PC 120 MHz, 50 MB RAM, 4x CD player, SoundBlaster or compatible soundcard, 256 colors display monitor)
NOTE: All discs sold previous to December 2003 will run on WINDOWS only.

ON SALE $129.00! FREE shipping ORDER NOW!

Discs are for on-site use only and may not be put on loan, on the internet or intranet servers or duplicated in any shape or form.

Make sure your system meets the requirements needed before ordering.
Full refund for unopened or defective discs only!
Thank you.

Autism Academy's autism software appeared in Newsday!

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Digital Vista, inc.

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